Apps to recognize music

Discover apps and services to recognize music.

Recognize music by providing a music file.

Best apps to recognize music

For windows Mac Linux Web / Cloud Android iPhone iPad


Shazam is an app that can identify music, movies, advertising, etc.


SoundHound is an audio recognition and cognition company.


ACRCloud (Formerly Syntec TV) is an automatic content recognition platform based on acoustic fingerprinting technology.

Open Source

Songbird is an opensource music player with music discovery.

Free Personal

Midomi helps you find and discover music and people.
AudioTag is a music recognition website.

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Serve Videos To DLNA Capable Device.

It can serve videos to DLNA-capable device.

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Combine Multiple Images

Combine multiple small images into single image.

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Manage TODO Tasks

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Detect Browser Hijackers

Detects methods used by hijackers to force you onto their sites