Apps to monitor website downtime

Discover apps and services to monitor website downtime.

Know when your website is down or not reachable to act immediately to take necessary actions.

Best apps to monitor website downtime

For Web / Cloud


AppBeat is reliable website monitoring service that alerts you when there is a downtime or failure. It also measures performance and provides functional tests…


Uptrends helps you monitor your website uptime, so you will get an alert whenever your websites goes down.

Find apps to do interesting things:

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Identify Hardware

Identify hardware currently installed in a system.

appmus feature

Uninstall Apps And Softwares

Remove apps and softwares along with traces of it.

appmus feature

Create And Edit LaTeX Documents

Create and edit LaTeX documents normally with a visual preview feature.

appmus feature

Hide IP Address

Hide your IP address while browsing and downloading anything from the internet.

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Design Banners, Flyers, Websites

Design digital banners, flyers, websites

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