Apps to Read Atom feeds

Discover apps and services to Read Atom feeds.

Read and manage Atom feeds.

Best apps to Read Atom feeds

For windows Mac Linux Web / Cloud Android iPhone iPad Chrome Firefox


A content management platform for managing and sharing online articles and content.
Tiny Tiny RSS

Open Source

Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator.
Digg Reader is a simple but powerful RSS and feed reader for web, Android, and iPhone.

Open Source

CommaFeed is an Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader, based on JAX-RS, Wicket and AngularJS.
FeedDemon is a free RSS feed reader for Windows.

Open Source

Miniflux is a minimalist RSS reader.

Open Source

selfoss the web-based open source RSS reader and multi-source mashup aggregator.
Feed Notifier

Open Source

Feed Notifier is an application for Windows and Mac OS X that resides in the system tray or status bar and displays pop-up notifications on your desktop.
Google Reader is an RSS or ATOM feed aggregator service developed by Google. Google Reader has been discontinued.

Open Source

RSSOwl is a news aggregator for RSS and Atom News feeds.
AOL Reader is an RSS reader.

Open Source

QuiteRSS is a cross-platform RSS/Atom news feed reader written using Qt.


Google Reader was an RSS/Atom feed aggregator operated by Google.


Feeder is a web based RSS feed reader.
Feedbro is a browser extension for Google Chrome that adds local feed reading capabilities to the web browser.

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