Apps to Transfer audio streams from one application to another

Discover apps and services to Transfer audio streams from one application to another.

Transfer audio streams from one application to another virtually.

Best apps to Transfer audio streams from one application to another

For windows Mac Linux
VB-CABLE is an easy to use audio device driver working as a Virtual Audio Cable.

Open Source

Soundflower is a MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications.
JACK Audio Connection Kit (or JACK; a recursive acronym) is a professional sound server daemon that provides real-time, low-latency connections for both audio…
Virtual Audio Cable is a WDM multimedia driver that allows a user to transfer audio streams from one application to another.

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appmus feature

Access Restricted Sites In Your Country

Access restricted websites in your country by using a proxy from another country

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Organize Bookmarks

Organize your bookmarks into categories.

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View Images

View one one many digital images with some useful information when needed.

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Manage System Resources

Manage system resources including hard disk, memory, and CPU cycles

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Send Marketing Emails

send marketing emails to contacts

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Monitor Website Performance

Monitors website performance issiues