Apps to uninstall apps and softwares

Discover apps and services to uninstall apps and softwares.

Remove apps and softwares along with traces of it.

Best apps to uninstall apps and softwares

For windows Mac Linux Android
Revo Uninstaller is an easy way to uninstall and remove unwanted software.
AppCleaner is a small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps.
GeekUninstaller performs deep and fast scanning afterwards and removes all leftovers.
Zero Install

Open Source

Zero Install is a means of distributing and packaging software for multiple operating systems.
Glary Utilities is a comprehensive system cleaner and performance booster.
IObit Uninstaller is an application for Microsoft's Windows.


AppZapper is an uninstall utility which extends the method of uninstalling in macOS.

Find apps to do interesting things:

appmus feature

Organize Music

Organize your music collection.

appmus feature

Manage Time

Helps manage time

appmus feature

Visualise Idea

Visualise an idea present in your mind

appmus feature

View Images

View one one many digital images with some useful information when needed.

appmus feature

Edit Screenshot

Edit screenshot inside the app.

appmus feature

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