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Bluhell Firewall

Bluhell Firewall is a lightweight Ad-Blocker and Tracking/Privacy tool. Developed by Diego Casorran

License: Open Source

Apps available for Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Thunderbird Firefox

What can Bluhell Firewall do?

No information available yet

Frequently Asked Questions About Bluhell Firewall

What is the license type of Bluhell Firewall?

Bluhell Firewall is an Open Source Product.

Who developed Bluhell Firewall?

Diego Casorran has developed Bluhell Firewall

Softwares Similar to Bluhell Firewall

Ad Muncher is a powerful advert and popup blocking system for all browsers and advert-displaying programs.

Open Source

AdBlock is one of the most popular ad blockers.
AdFender is an advanced application that filters various different types of content from web pages.

Open Source

Blokada is an OpenSource ad blocker for Android and iOS.
Kill Evil

Open Source

Prevent printing, selection spying, unwanted tabs, etc.
uBlock Origin

Open Source

uBlock Origin is a browser extension to blog annoying ads in websites.

Open Source

AdAway is a free and open-source ad-blocking application for the Android mobile operating system.
Adblock Plus

Open Source

Adblock Plus is browser extension which will block Ads and popups while browsing the internet.


Adguard AdBlocker blocks all types of advertising on all web pages, even on Facebook, Youtube, and others.

Open Source

Disconnect lets you visualize and block the invisible sites that track your search and browsing history.
RedMorph provides an easy to use extension that couples all the features of an ad tracker blocker, encrypted proxy, and content filter.

Open Source

uMatrix is a point-and-click matrix-based firewall, with many privacy-enhancing tools.


Compare Bluhell Firewall with other similar apps

Compare Ad Muncher and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare AdAway and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare AdBlock and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Adblock Plus and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare AdFender and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Adguard and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Blokada and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Disconnect and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Kill Evil and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare RedMorph Browser Controller and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare uBlock Origin and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare µMatrix and Bluhell Firewall and decide which is most suitable for you.
Tags: firefox-extension privacy-protection ad-blocking thunderbird-extension browser-enhancement