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Garry's Mod

Garrys Mod(GMod), is a sandbox physics game. Developed by Garry

License: Commercial

Categories: Games

Apps available for Mac OS X Windows Steam SteamOS

What can Garry's Mod do?

No information available yet

Frequently Asked Questions About Garry's Mod

What is the license type of Garry's Mod?

Garry's Mod is an Commercial Product.

Who developed Garry's Mod?

Garry has developed Garry's Mod

Softwares Similar to Garry's Mod

Manic Digger

Open Source

Manic Digger is a 3d block-building game, a Minecraft clone.
Mythruna (myth + rune + a) is a game under development attempting to combine serious role-playing elements with an endless, living, and completely modifiable …


Minecraft is sandbox world building game currently owned by Microsoft.


Roblox is a user-generated massively multiplayer online social gaming platform.


Compare Garry's Mod with other similar apps

Compare Manic Digger and Garry's Mod and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Minecraft and Garry's Mod and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Mythruna and Garry's Mod and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Roblox and Garry's Mod and decide which is most suitable for you.
Tags: game-engine sandbox-game open-world game-creation physics-sandbox