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HijackThis (also HiJackThis or HJT) is a free and open-source Trend Micro Announcement tool to detect malware and adware on Microsoft Windows. Developed by Trend Micro

License: Open Source

Apps available for Windows PortableApps.com

What can HijackThis do?

appmus feature

Detect Browser Hijackers

Detects methods used by hijackers to force you onto their sites

Frequently Asked Questions About HijackThis

What is the license type of HijackThis?

HijackThis is an Open Source Product.

Who developed HijackThis?

Trend Micro has developed HijackThis

Softwares Similar to HijackThis

SlimCleaner is a lightweight utility for removing all kinds of junk and broken files from your computer to help improve overall performance.
Zemana Anti-Malware is an effective malware detection and removal software that protects you from malware, spyware, adware, ransomware, rootkits & bootkits.
Spybot - Search and Destroy Free Malware Removal Tool removes Malware, Spyware, Rootkits, Adware.


Compare HijackThis with other similar apps

Compare SlimCleaner and HijackThis and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Spybot - Search & Destroy and HijackThis and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Zemana AntiMalware and HijackThis and decide which is most suitable for you.
Tags: Portable startup-manager spyware system-tweaker trojan autorun-manager windows-cleaner