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JoyToKey enables PC game controllers to emulate a mouse and the keyboard input. Developed by JTKSOFT

License: Commercial

Categories: Games

Apps available for Windows

What can JoyToKey do?

No information available yet

Frequently Asked Questions About JoyToKey

What is the license type of JoyToKey?

JoyToKey is an Commercial Product.

Who developed JoyToKey?

JTKSOFT has developed JoyToKey

Softwares Similar to JoyToKey

Pinnacle Game Profiler enables the use of virtually any game controller (gamepad, joystick, etc.) with any PC game.


Xpadder simulates keypresses and mouse movements using a gamepad With Xpaddder you can play PC games with poor or no joystick support.


Compare JoyToKey with other similar apps

Compare Pinnacle Game Profiler and JoyToKey and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Xpadder and JoyToKey and decide which is most suitable for you.
Tags: gamepad-keyboard-emulator joystick-to-keyboard gaming-utility