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Listango is an online bookmark manager that lets you save your favorites online and access them from anywhere. Developed by listango

License: Free

Categories: Web Browsers

Apps available for Online Google Chrome

What can Listango do?

No information available yet

Frequently Asked Questions About Listango

What is the license type of Listango?

Listango is an Free Product.

Who developed Listango?

listango has developed Listango

Softwares Similar to Listango

Firefox Sync

Open Source

Firefox Sync allows accessing your open tabs, bookmarks, history, passwords and preferences everywhere.


historious is a single-click bookmarking search engine.
Google Bookmarks is a free online bookmarking service, available to Google Account holders.


Compare Listango with other similar apps

Compare Firefox Sync and Listango and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Google Bookmarks and Listango and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare historious and Listango and decide which is most suitable for you.
Tags: bookmarks bookmark-manager bookmark-organize bookmark-sync bookmarks-favorites