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Llama uses phone masts to determine your location, so that you can change your ringer, vibrate and ringtones depending on where you are as well as the time of day. Developed by KebabApps

License: Free

Categories: Travel & Location

Apps available for Android

What can Llama do?

No information available yet

Frequently Asked Questions About Llama

What is the license type of Llama?

Llama is an Free Product.

Who developed Llama?

KebabApps has developed Llama

Softwares Similar to Llama

Automagic is an Android-Phone and Tablet App, which can be used to automate several things.


Tasker for Android allows you to automate almost anything you can think of on your phone.


AutomateIt is an Android app designed to simplify your life by automatically performing various tasks.


Compare Llama with other similar apps

Compare Automagic Premium and Llama and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare AutomateIt and Llama and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Tasker and Llama and decide which is most suitable for you.
Tags: automation location-based location location-aware