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Proclaim delivers the specialized features of church presentation software in a convenient, intuitive program. Developed by Faithlife Corporation

License: Commercial

Categories: Office & Productivity

Apps available for Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad

What can Proclaim do?

No information available yet

Frequently Asked Questions About Proclaim

What is the license type of Proclaim?

Proclaim is an Commercial Product.

Who developed Proclaim?

Faithlife Corporation has developed Proclaim

Softwares Similar to Proclaim


Open Source

EpicWorship is a church projection application.
VideoPsalm is a free worship presentation software for evangelical churches.

Open Source

OpenLP is a worship presentation program licensed under the GNU General Public License.


ZionWorx is professional presentation software aimed at churches but useful for many other groups wanting to present text and media to audiences.


Compare Proclaim with other similar apps

Compare EpicWorship and Proclaim and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare OpenLP and Proclaim and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare VideoPsalm and Proclaim and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare ZionWorx and Proclaim and decide which is most suitable for you.
Tags: presentation cloud-sync backgrounds church worship stills