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Softpedia is a website from Romania that indexes information and provides primarily software information and downloads. Developed by Softpedia

License: Free

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Frequently Asked Questions About Softpedia

What is the license type of Softpedia?

Softpedia is an Free Product.

Who developed Softpedia?

Softpedia has developed Softpedia

Softwares Similar to Softpedia

App Store is a digital distribution platform, developed and maintained by Apple Inc., for mobile apps on its iOS operating system.
FileHippo is a download website that offers computer software for Windows.
Best Open Source lists more than a million open source software.
Free Software Directory (FSD) catalogs free software that runs under free operating systems - particularly GNU and Linux.
Freeware Files is a freeware software website.
JoyDownload is a website that aggregates free and legal software to download for Microsoft Windows, Mac OSx, and Android. is an Internet download directory website. is a archive of free, hand-picked Windows and Mac software, and Web Apps.
FossHub is a website which provides free software downloads.
Free To Download is a software directory which lists softwares without restrictions.
GetDeb was an Ubuntu software portal providing newer versions of software included in Ubuntu, and software that is omitted from the official repositories.
Libre Projects

Open Source

Libre Projects is a collection of open source, usable, hosted web services.


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Tags: file-hosting software-repository technology-news software-details software-database application-hosting software-downloads software-reviews hardware-reviews