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Splitwise is a free tool for friends and roommates to track bills and other shared expenses.

License: Free

Apps available for Online Android iPhone

What can Splitwise do?

No information available yet

Frequently Asked Questions About Splitwise

What is the license type of Splitwise?

Splitwise is an Free Product.

Who developed Splitwise?

has developed Splitwise

Softwares Similar to Splitwise

Kittysplit displays the smallest number of transactions necessary to make everything square.
WhoseBill keeps track of everything in one place, offsetting debts and payments against each other.


Compare Splitwise with other similar apps

Compare Kittysplit and Splitwise and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare WhoseBill and Splitwise and decide which is most suitable for you.
Tags: expenses split-bills bills debts roommates housemates