Advanced Uninstaller PRO vs GeekUninstaller : Which is Better?

Advanced Uninstaller PRO icon

Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows, allowing you to uninstall programs quickly and completely. Developed by Innovative Solutions

License: Commercial

Categories: OS & Utilities

Apps available for Windows

GeekUninstaller icon


GeekUninstaller performs deep and fast scanning afterwards and removes all leftovers. Developed by Thomas Koen

License: Freemium

Categories: OS & Utilities

Apps available for Windows

Advanced Uninstaller PRO VS GeekUninstaller

Advanced Uninstaller PRO offers a more comprehensive suite of tools including registry and disk cleaning, while GeekUninstaller stands out for its portability and lightweight design. Both provide solid uninstallation capabilities, but Advanced Uninstaller PRO is better for users needing additional system cleanup features.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO


  • Comprehensive registry cleaning
  • User-friendly interface
  • Offers disk cleaning features
  • Includes software updater
  • Allows batch uninstalling of applications


  • Paid software with limited free features
  • Can be overwhelming for new users
  • Less portable compared to GeekUninstaller



  • Lightweight and portable
  • Fast scanning and uninstallation
  • Command line support for advanced users
  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • No installation required


  • Limited features compared to Advanced Uninstaller PRO
  • No built-in disk cleaner
  • May not support all installation monitoring

Compare Advanced Uninstaller PRO

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