Advanced Uninstaller PRO vs IObit Uninstaller : Which is Better?

Advanced Uninstaller PRO icon

Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows, allowing you to uninstall programs quickly and completely. Developed by Innovative Solutions

License: Commercial

Categories: OS & Utilities

Apps available for Windows

IObit Uninstaller icon

IObit Uninstaller

IObit Uninstaller is an application for Microsoft's Windows. Developed by IObit

License: Freemium

Categories: OS & Utilities

Apps available for Windows Warning

Advanced Uninstaller PRO VS IObit Uninstaller

Advanced Uninstaller PRO offers robust uninstallation and cleanup tools but lacks real-time monitoring and malware protection, making it less ideal for users needing comprehensive tracking. In contrast, IObit Uninstaller excels with real-time monitoring and enhanced malware protection, making it suitable for users who frequently install and uninstall applications.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO


  • Comprehensive uninstallation features
  • Effective registry cleaner
  • Includes a file shredder
  • Has a user-friendly interface
  • Provides disk cleanup tools


  • Lacks real-time monitoring
  • Limited browser plugin management
  • No scheduled uninstall feature
  • No malware protection
  • Less intuitive interface for some users

IObit Uninstaller


  • Real-time monitoring of installations
  • Includes malware protection
  • Offers a forced uninstall feature
  • Has a scheduled uninstall option
  • Provides browser plugin removal


  • Can be resource-intensive
  • Some features require a paid version
  • May have ads in the free version
  • Less comprehensive registry cleaning compared to others
  • User interface can be cluttered

Compare Advanced Uninstaller PRO

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