Advanced Uninstaller PRO vs Revo Uninstaller : Which is Better?

Advanced Uninstaller PRO icon

Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows, allowing you to uninstall programs quickly and completely. Developed by Innovative Solutions

License: Commercial

Categories: OS & Utilities

Apps available for Windows

Revo Uninstaller icon

Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller is an easy way to uninstall and remove unwanted software. Developed by VS Revo Group

License: Freemium

Categories: OS & Utilities

Apps available for Windows

Advanced Uninstaller PRO VS Revo Uninstaller

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is user-friendly and includes system optimization tools, making it ideal for beginners. In contrast, Revo Uninstaller offers advanced features like real-time monitoring and a portable version, which cater to users needing comprehensive uninstall solutions.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO


  • Easy to use interface
  • Offers comprehensive uninstallation options
  • Includes system optimization tools
  • Batch uninstall feature saves time
  • Good for beginners
  • Offers a file shredder feature


  • Lacks real-time monitoring
  • No portable version
  • Limited advanced features compared to competitors
  • Less effective for stubborn apps
  • Fewer update frequencies

Revo Uninstaller


  • Real-time monitoring for installations
  • Portable version available
  • Detailed uninstall logs for tracking
  • Effective in removing leftover files
  • Scheduled scans for regular maintenance
  • Widely used and trusted by many users


  • More complex interface for beginners
  • Higher price point compared to some alternatives
  • Real-time monitoring can slow down system
  • Limited system optimization features
  • May leave traces if not used properly

Compare Advanced Uninstaller PRO

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