Crunchyroll vs Netflix : Which is Better?

Crunchyroll icon


Crunchyroll is a leading global destination and platform for Japanese anime and Asian content. Developed by Crunchyroll Inc.

License: Freemium

Categories: Video & Movies

Apps available for Online Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad

Netflix icon


Netflix is an American entertainment company. Developed by Netflix, Inc.

License: Commercial

Categories: Video & Movies

Apps available for Windows Online Android iPhone Chrome OS

Crunchyroll VS Netflix Feature comparision

Feature Crunchyroll Netflix
Video playback
Video streaming
Works offline too
Movie Recommendations
Movies Filtering
Media Streaming
Works Offline
Search movies by actors
Support for Themes
TV Shows
Internet TV
PS4 Streaming
Stream video to Apple TV
Live TV
Track movies
Trending Channels
Support for HD videos
Share Videos
Video Sharing
Support for 4K
Export 4K Movies
Hi-fi sound
Live Broadcasting
Over-The-Top (OTT)
*community curated information: This table may not have the most accurate information. Please suggest changes

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