Evernote Web Clipper vs Awesome Screenshot : Which is Better?

Evernote Web Clipper icon

Evernote Web Clipper

Evernote Web Clipper is a simple extension for your web browser that lets you capture full-page articles, images, selected text, important emails, and any web page. Developed by Evernote

License: Free

Apps available for Online Internet Explorer Google Chrome Safari Opera

Awesome Screenshot icon

Awesome Screenshot

Awesome Screenshot is the highest-rated screen capture & image annotation tool on Chrome with over 2 million users. Developed by Diigo Inc.

License: Freemium

Apps available for Mac OS X Windows Linux Online Google Chrome

Evernote Web Clipper VS Awesome Screenshot Feature comparision

Feature Evernote Web Clipper Awesome Screenshot
Google Chrome extension
Save web page for offline use
Capture Screen / Take screenshots
Browser extension
Google Chrome Extensions
Image recognition
Instant edit screenshots
Microsoft Edge extension
Annotate screenshots
Screenshot Tools
Screenshot OCR
Website screenshots
Screen recording
Adapted article view
Mobile friendly
Image Annotations
MarkDown support
End-to-End Encryption
Cloud sync
Encrypted Notes
Visual bookmarks
Tag based
Category filters
File Tagging
File Searching
File management
Downscale Retina Display
Automatic upload
Simplicity and reliability
Bundled with Windows
Clean design
Firefox Extensions
IFTTT integration
Scrolling Capture
Edit screenshots
Freeform capture
Multiple languages
Firefox extension
Share screenshots
Safari extension
Share on twitter
Desktop Color Picker
Support for FTP
Capture mouse pointer
GIF recording
Elaborate sketching and annotation
Image Sharing
Google Drive integration
*community curated information: This table may not have the most accurate information. Please suggest changes

Compare Evernote Web Clipper

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