FluffyApp vs CollabShot : Which is Better?

FluffyApp icon


FluffyApp is a simple and lightweight utility that was designed to help you instantly upload your pictures or other files to CloudApp. Developed by Richard Z.H. Wang

License: Free

Apps available for Windows Online

CollabShot icon


CollabShot is a software that specializes in online collaborations. Developed by TopTal Production

License: Free

Apps available for Mac OS X Windows Linux

FluffyApp VS CollabShot Feature comparision

Feature FluffyApp CollabShot
Share screenshots
File sharing
Screenshot Tools
Screenshot OCR
Screen recording
GIF recording
Support for Keyboard Shortcuts
Audio Recording
Built-in File viewer
Custom domain
One-link file sharing
Drag n drop
Secure Copy (SCP)
Direct file uploading
Edit screenshots
Built-in Color picker
File Storage
Annotate screenshots
Capture Screen / Take screenshots
Real time collaboration
Downscale Retina Display
Automatic upload
Browser extension
Simplicity and reliability
Bundled with Windows
Scrolling Capture
Desktop Color Picker
Save web page for offline use
Google Chrome Extensions
Support for FTP
Capture mouse pointer
Image Annotations
Firefox Extensions
Google Drive integration
File management
File Tagging
Instant Replay
*community curated information: This table may not have the most accurate information. Please suggest changes

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