GifCam vs Instagiffer : Which is Better?

GifCam icon


GifCam combines a screen capture tool with an animated GIF maker to make it super-easy to create animated GIFs. Developed by

License: Free

Categories: Photos & Graphics

Apps available for Windows

Instagiffer icon


Instagiffer creates animated GIFs from YouTube, HD video files, Vine, Netflix, Kodi, game streams, and more.

License: Free

Apps available for Mac OS X Windows Windows RT

GifCam VS Instagiffer Feature comparision

Feature GifCam Instagiffer
Create Animated GIFs
Built-in Image editor
Record desktop activity
Capture Screen / Take screenshots
Capture image from video
Screenshot Tools
Screenshot OCR
Screen recording
Built-in Screen Capture
Video editing
GIF Making
GIF recording
Graphical interface
Automatic upload
Document sharing
Image Sharing
Integrated File Sharing
MP4 Support
Animal identification
Convert Videos to Animated GIFs
Annotate screenshots
Edit screenshots
Share screenshots
Convert Videos to Animated Gifs
Youtube downloader
Sprite sheets
GIF editor
Audio conversion
Built-in editor
Dropbox integration
Convert Excel to PDF document
Drawing 2D
Export to PNG
Photo effects
Photographic filters
Frame by frame animation
Integrated App lock
Paypal integration
Support for HD videos
Qualitative Data Analysis
*community curated information: This table may not have the most accurate information. Please suggest changes

Compare GifCam

Compare LICEcap and GifCam and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare ScreenToGif and GifCam and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare ShareX and GifCam and decide which is most suitable for you.