Google Authenticator vs Authy : Which is Better?

Google Authenticator icon

Google Authenticator

Google Authenticator is a free OTP (One Time Password) app to generate and use TOTP (Time-based One Time Password) tokens. Developed by Google

License: Free

Categories: Security & Privacy

Apps available for Android iPhone Blackberry Android Tablet iPad

Authy icon


Authy helps you set up and manage two-factor authentication (2FA) on websites. Developed by Authy Inc.

License: Free

Categories: Security & Privacy

Apps available for Mac Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet

Google Authenticator VS Authy Feature comparision

Feature Google Authenticator Authy
Multiple Account support
One Time Passwords
Two factor authentication
Cloud sync
Sync with SSH
Sync with Dropbox
Keepass integration
Encrypted backups
Night mode/Dark Theme
Security focused
Unlock pin
Unlock with fingerprint
Import from Google Reader
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Google Chrome Extensions
Firefox Extensions
Password management
Security & Privacy
Browser integration
Multiple vaults
AES encryption
Sync with Box
Add multiple files
Automatic Form-Filler
Auto update
Browser extension
*community curated information: This table may not have the most accurate information. Please suggest changes

Compare Google Authenticator

Compare andOTP and Google Authenticator and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Keepass2Android and Google Authenticator and decide which is most suitable for you.