Feng Office vs Firmao CRM : Which is Better?

Feng Office icon

Feng Office

Feng Office is a commercial Open Source web based solution aimed to enhance collaboration and productivity. Developed by Feng Office

License: Open Source

Apps available for Online

Firmao CRM icon

Firmao CRM

Firmao CRM is a business software includes modules like online crm (customer relationship management), projects and tasks management, invoicing and many more. Developed by Firmao CRM

License: Commercial

Apps available for Windows Online Android iPhone Android Tablet

Feng Office VS Firmao CRM Feature comparision

Feature Feng Office Firmao CRM
Real time collaboration
Software as a Service
Task Management
Content Templates
File sharing
Apps that Sync with Google Calendar
Email Server
Dependency Tracking
Electronic invoicing
Kanban boards
Share Roadmaps
Automatic time tracking
Built-in File Manager
Multiple languages
Email checker
Cloud based
Team Collaboration
Order Management
Voice chat
Custom login portal
Encrypted Email
Shared calendars
*community curated information: This table may not have the most accurate information. Please suggest changes

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