Repro vs Quixxi : Which is Better?

Repro icon


Repro is a mobile marketing platform. Developed by Repro

License: Freemium

Categories: Development

Apps available for Android iPhone Java Mobile Android Tablet iPad

Quixxi icon


Quixxi is an app analytics platform. Developed by Quixxi Pty Ltd

License: Freemium

Apps available for Online

Repro VS Quixxi Feature comparision

Feature Repro Quixxi
Conversion Rate Optimization
Customer Analytics
Real-time analytics
Security focused
Visitor recording
Qualitative Data Analysis
Developer Tools
Mobile apps
Session Analytics
User session recording
Screen Analysis
User Analysis
Email notifications
Live Push Notifications
SMS Notifications
Wordpress integration
*community curated information: This table may not have the most accurate information. Please suggest changes

Compare Repro

Compare Appsee and Repro and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Google Analytics and Repro and decide which is most suitable for you.