Synthesia vs Rosegarden : Which is Better?

Synthesia icon


Synthesia is a video game and piano keyboard trainer for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, which allows users to play a MIDI keyboard or use a computer keyboard in time to a MIDI file by following on-screen directions. Developed by Nicholas Piegdon

License: Freemium

Categories: Audio & Music Games

Apps available for Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Tablet iPad

Rosegarden icon


Rosegarden is a free software digital audio workstation program developed for Linux with ALSA and Qt4. Developed by Chris Cannam, Richard Bown, Guillaume Laurent, et al.

License: Open Source

Categories: Audio & Music

Apps available for Linux

Synthesia VS Rosegarden Feature comparision

Feature Synthesia Rosegarden
Black MIDI support
Pattern matching
Windows XP Compatibility
Music Composer
Piano Roll
Record midi & audio in real-time
*community curated information: This table may not have the most accurate information. Please suggest changes

Compare Synthesia

Compare LilyPond and Synthesia and decide which is most suitable for you.