Windows Softwares to manage development environment configuration

Discover Windows Softwares to manage development environment configuration.

Manages or provides interface for easy development environment configuration.

Best Windows Softwares to manage development environment configuration


Open Source

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP and Perl.
Laragon is a lightweight, fast and convenient modern LAMP Server with Redis and Memcached, extremely high performance.

Open Source

EasyPHP installs a portable local WAMP server including the server-side scripting language.


MAMP is a solution stack composed of free and open-source and proprietary commercial software used together to run dynamic web sites on Apple computers.


AMPPS is a solution stack of Apache, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP, Perl and Python.

Find apps to do interesting things:

appmus feature

Take Notes

Take notes digitally

appmus feature

Organize Images

Arrange and organize images

appmus feature

Change Your MAC Address

Change your MAC or Physical address for each network adapters separately.

appmus feature

Decompress Or Extract Compressed Archives

Decompress or extract compressed archive files.

appmus feature

Manage Links In The Cloud

Manage your personally collected links to websites and articles in the cloud.

appmus feature

Broadcast Live Video

Broadcast live video feeds both privately and publicly