iPhone Apps to send marketing emails

Discover iPhone Apps to send marketing emails.

Send marketing emails to contacts

Best iPhone Apps to send marketing emails



MailerLite is an email marketing service provider with focus on simplicity, excellent customer support and beautiful email designs.


GetResponse (Implix) is an email marketing service provider specializing in online solutions and creating landing pages.

Find apps to do interesting things:

appmus feature

Share Content With Friends

share images, videos or audios with your friends and family.

appmus feature

View Documentation

View and search documentation.

appmus feature

Track Time

Tracks time spent doing the certain activity which is normally used for tracking…

appmus feature

Handle FTP Requests

Handle FTP requests and serve file over FTP protocol

appmus feature

Detect Viruses

Detect viruses before and after infesting the system.

appmus feature

Combine Multiple Images

Combine multiple small images into single image.