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Ex Falso Linux Alternatives

We have listed 4 alternatives for Ex Falso which have similar features like Ex Falso including commercial, freemium, free and open source Linux alternatives.

Categories: Audio & Music
More Info
MusicBrainz Picard is a free and open-source software application for identifying, tagging, and organising digital audio recordings.

Open Source

Puddletag is an audio tag (metadata) editor for audio file formats.

Open Source

EasyTag (EasyTAG) is a graphical tag editor for Linux and Microsoft Windows.


Song Kong is an intelligent music tagger app designed to make the task of managing, organizing and cleaning up your digital music collection easy.

Compare Ex Falso with alternatives

Compare MusicBrainz Picard and Ex Falso and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare EasyTAG and Ex Falso and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Puddletag and Ex Falso and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare SongKong and Ex Falso and decide which is most suitable for you.