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FileHippo App Manager Alternatives

We have listed 13 alternatives for FileHippo App Manager which have similar features like FileHippo App Manager including commercial, freemium, free and open source alternatives.

Categories: OS & Utilities
windows Mac Linux Web / Cloud Android
More Info


Ninite is a package management system offering that lets users automatically install popular applications.
Software Informer is a safe utility that has been designed specifically for those users who care to keep their applications functional and ready.
Update-manager is a frontend for the apt package management system. It allows you to perform some actions of the command line tool apt-get in a graphical inteā€¦
Ninite Updater


Ninite is a Web service that consolidates applications into a single installer for easy update and maintenance.
Update Manager

Open Source

The Linux Mint Update Manager.
SurfPatrol extension is a free and simple online security aid for browser and plugin security checking.
Milouz Market is a free software manager for Windows.
FileHippo is a download website that offers computer software for Windows.


Sumo is a suite of free tools that can be used to grow your website's traffic. The Sumo tools are easy to install and work on any website.

Open Source

Ketarin is a small application which automatically updates setup packages.
Patch My PC is a portable and reliable utility designed to check your system against the current version of Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, etc.
MacUpdate Desktop keeps your apps up-to-date.
Zero Install

Open Source

Zero Install is a means of distributing and packaging software for multiple operating systems.

Compare FileHippo App Manager with alternatives

Compare Ninite and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare FileHippo and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Software Informer and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare SUMo and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Ubuntu Update Manager and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Ketarin and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Ninite Updater and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Patch My PC and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Update Manager and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare MacUpdate Desktop and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare SurfPatrol and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Zero Install and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Milouz Market and FileHippo App Manager and decide which is most suitable for you.