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Gufw Windows Alternatives

We have listed 3 alternatives for Gufw which have similar features like Gufw including commercial, freemium, free and open source Windows alternatives.

Categories: File Sharing Security & Privacy
More Info


NetLimiter is client-side traffic shaping and monitoring software for the Windows operating system. Unlike most traffic-shaping utilities, which are based on …
TinyWall is a free, feature-rich, and lightweight firewall for Windows, known for its unique no-popup approach.
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall is a free Firewall software.

Compare Gufw with alternatives

Compare NetLimiter and Gufw and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare ZoneAlarm Free Firewall and Gufw and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare TinyWall and Gufw and decide which is most suitable for you.