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SlimComputer Android Alternatives

We have listed 4 alternatives for SlimComputer which have similar features like SlimComputer including commercial, freemium, free and open source Android alternatives.

Categories: OS & Utilities
More Info


CCleaner is one of the most popular windows disk and registry cleaning utility. It scans the system for unwanted file and folders and removes it with a singleā€¦
Clean Master (Cleaner) is an app that will keep your Android device always tidy and performing well.
Glary Utilities is a comprehensive system cleaner and performance booster.
SD Maid


SD Maid will help you keep your device clean. It offers a collection of tools to manage apps and files.

Compare SlimComputer with alternatives

Compare CCleaner and SlimComputer and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Glary Utilities and SlimComputer and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Clean Master and SlimComputer and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare SD Maid and SlimComputer and decide which is most suitable for you.