SoftPerfect RAM Disk icon

SoftPerfect RAM Disk Alternatives

We have listed 3 alternatives for SoftPerfect RAM Disk which have similar features like SoftPerfect RAM Disk including commercial, freemium, free and open source alternatives.

More Info
ImDisk Toolkit

Open Source

ImDisk Toolkit for Windows lets you mount image files of hard drive, CD-ROM and create RamDisks with various parameters.


eBoostr application allows you to use an additional drive (flash memory or hard disk) or free RAM as another layer of performance-boosting cache.
RAMDisk is a software that takes a portion of your system memory and uses it as a disk drive.

Compare SoftPerfect RAM Disk with alternatives

Compare ImDisk Toolkit and SoftPerfect RAM Disk and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Dataram RAMDisk and SoftPerfect RAM Disk and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare eBoostr and SoftPerfect RAM Disk and decide which is most suitable for you.