Linux Softwares to Broadcast live video

Discover Linux Softwares to Broadcast live video.

Broadcast live video feeds both privately and publicly

Best Linux Softwares to Broadcast live video


Open Source

Jitsi (formerly SIP Communicator) is a free and open source multiplatform voice (VoIP), videoconferencing and instant messaging application.

Find apps to do interesting things:

appmus feature

Download Video Games

download video games for free.

appmus feature

Manage TODO Tasks

Manage TODO tasks smoothly

appmus feature

Search For Similar Screenshots

Search for a similar looking screenshot from other users.

appmus feature

Flash SD Card

Flash SD cards normally for Raspberry Pi

appmus feature

Handle FTP Requests

Handle FTP requests and serve file over FTP protocol

appmus feature

Update Hardware Drivers

Detect and update hardware drivers.