Google Chrome Extensions to Search For Similar Screenshots

Discover Google Chrome Extensions to Search For Similar Screenshots.

Search for a similar looking screenshot from other users.

Best Google Chrome Extensions to Search For Similar Screenshots

Lightshot is the fastest way to take a customizable screenshot. Simple interface, nothing useless and light weight.

Find apps to do interesting things:

appmus feature

Merge PDF Files

Merge multiple PDF files.

appmus feature

Blocks Denial Of Service Attacks

Blocks DOS (denial-of-service) attacks on the server.

appmus feature

Edit Image

Edit images by adding, removing parts of the image or applying filters to the im…

appmus feature

Track Time

Tracks time spent doing the certain activity which is normally used for tracking…

appmus feature

Uninstall Apps And Softwares

Remove apps and softwares along with traces of it.

appmus feature

Connect To SSH Server

Connect to an remote SSH server