Android Apps to Take Notes

Discover Android Apps to Take Notes.

Take notes digitally

Best Android Apps to Take Notes



Evernote is a note taking application which keeps the notes taken in sync across all platforms using its cloud infrastructure.


Todoist: To-Do list and Task Manager.
Google Keep is a cloud based note taking application.

Find apps to do interesting things:

appmus feature

Save Bookmarks In The Cloud

Save your website bookmarks in the cloud.

appmus feature

Download Youtube Videos

Directly download Youtube videos to your local device including PC, MAC and mobi…

appmus feature

Play MP3 Files

Plays MP3 audio files

appmus feature

Create Spreadsheet Documents

create and edit spreadsheet documents.

appmus feature

Suggest Content To Share Online

Suggests content including text and pictures to share online in order to get mor…

appmus feature

Search Internet

Search on the internet for sites and resources.