Apps to update hardware drivers

Discover apps and services to update hardware drivers.

Detect and update hardware drivers.

Best apps to update hardware drivers

For windows


SlimDrivers not only detects when a driver needs updating, but also identifies the proper executable for your system and initiates the driver install automati…
Snappy Driver Installer is a free driver updater with a huge driver collection for offline use.
riverPack Solution is a free software for automatic driver installation and update on your laptop and PC.


DriverMax scans, identifies, and updates your PC's hardware drivers automatically.

Find apps to do interesting things:

appmus feature

Edit MP3 Files

Edit MP3 audio files to add or remove parts using wave editor.

appmus feature

Play Videos

Play videos including AVI, MP4, etc

appmus feature

Stream Videos From Another Device

Stream videos from another device with a wired or wireless connection.

appmus feature

Custom Cover Image

Custom cover image

appmus feature

Track Time

Tracks time spent doing the certain activity which is normally used for tracking…

appmus feature

Share Files

Share files remotely with other people