Context Menu-manager Windows Softwares

Discover best Context Menu-manager Windows softwares, apps and websites.

Best Context Menu-manager Windows Softwares

FileMenu Tools


FileMenu Tools is an application which lets you customize the context menu of Windows File Explorer.
Easy Context Menu (ECM) lets you add a variety of useful commands and tweaks to the Desktop, My Computer, Drives, File and Folder right-click context menus.
Right Click Enhancer is a customization software for fine tuning right click menu.
Fast Explorer is a handy utility that will allow you to manage context menus items of file objects displayed in a file manager.
Default Programs Editor makes it easy to fix file association settings in Windows, including context menu items, icons, and descriptions.
FCorp Context Menu Manager is a intuitive file associations management and context menu customization utility.
Yamicsoft Windows Manager helps you make your system perform faster, eliminate system fault, increase stability and security, and personalize your copy of Win…