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Fossil Online Alternatives

We have listed 4 alternatives for Fossil which have similar features like Fossil including commercial, freemium, free and open source Online alternatives.

Categories: Development
More Info

Open Source

Trac is an open source, Web-based project management and bug tracking system.


Springloops is a web-based Git and Subversion version control and hosting service with integrated deploy and code collaboration features for web and software …
The Bug Genie is free and open source, web-based project management and bug tracking system.

Open Source

Flyspray is a lightweight, web-based bug tracking system written in PHP for assisting with software development and project managements.

Compare Fossil with alternatives

Compare Trac and Fossil and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare The Bug Genie and Fossil and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Springloops and Fossil and decide which is most suitable for you.
Compare Flyspray and Fossil and decide which is most suitable for you.