Apps to Edit Code

Discover apps and services to Edit Code.

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Best apps to Edit Code

For windows Mac Linux

Open Source

Notepad++ is a free open source notepad replacement and code editor with nice features. It supports syntax highlighting for many languages and has an extensio…

Open Source

Eclipse is a free and open source IDE - Integrated Development Platform.

Open Source

Atom is a free open-source code editor from Github.
Aptana Studio

Open Source

Aptana Studio is a free open-source web development IDE
GNU Emacs

Open Source

GNU Emacs is the most popular and most ported Emacs text editor.

Open Source

jEdit is a free software text editor available under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. It is written in Java and runs on any operating system with J…
Sublime Text is a code editor and syntax highlighter with advanced features which can be enhanced with extensions too.

Open Source

NetBeans is Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing complex applications.

Open Source

gedit is a free and open-source code editor.

Open Source

Brackets is an open-source editor written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a primary focus on web development.
Bluefish Editor

Open Source

Bluefish is a free software advanced text editor with a variety of tools for programming in general and the development of dynamic websites.
Lime Text

Open Source

Lime Text is an Open Source, Elegant, and Free Text Editor.

Find apps to do interesting things:

appmus feature

Track Time

Tracks time spent doing the certain activity which is normally used for tracking…

appmus feature

Detect Viruses

Detect viruses before and after infesting the system.

appmus feature

Play Online Games

Play online games with friends

appmus feature

Manage Network Devices

Manage devices connected to the network

appmus feature

Update Apps And Softwares

Keep installed apps and softwares updated.

appmus feature

Save Notes In Cloud

Save or sync notes in the cloud so that it can be accessed from multiple devices…